Monday, April 13, 2020

Informative tool

Informative tool

After learning about informative tools, it helped me to understand the clear concept of it. It has multiple of uses. In this modern world, we have access to to all the informative tools in our daily lives but we're not aware of it till date. After going through its advantages, it made me realize how it benefited us while using it.

We were given class work to make a presentation on "Should women play khuru". To get informations, I used those tools (internet) to make my presentation clear and precise.
Using all this tools made my work more valid and informative. As we already know that every coin has two sides likewise it also has some disadvantages of using it.

If I cite an example of using internet,when we search for information,all types of articles pop up such as related, unrelated or outdated articles/ information which some time confuses us.

Our sources of information are books, television channels, mobile phones, internet( social medias, blogs, wiki, www,etc), radio and news papers.

Among these tools, I prefer internet as the best source of instruction to collect information. It is one of the most advanced technologies that are used worldwide. It has undoubtedly became a huge part of our lives and it is very convenient to use it.

 For students like me, internet and books are the best source to find information as it is accessible from the school and college library. Plus it is easily potable and easy to keep note for exam as well as for future reference.

 As the new curriculum focuses on the usage of ICT for teaching and learning process, I would prefer to use it as well. Students learn with the help of internet as a source of information and therefore they are independent learners.
From internet we get e-book, research articles, journal articles, etc to supplement their learning. We can also learn through virtual and video tutorials.


  1. I think if you can increase front size a bit, its little difficult to read the text but information are very rich.

  2. It seems that you learnt well about this concepts. You even shared your preference with reasons and its benefits.

  3. I hope that you will going to make use of those tools in your lesson.

  4. You have enough information to support your points and the examples that you have cited here are relevant. However,if you could increase the font size it would be nice.

  5. Hello
    Overall the information reflect on your understanding with relevant support. It seems that you understood the informative tool and shared some of the benefits of using the tool in our daily lesson. However, if you could increase the font size as a viewer we are some facing difficulties while reading the information.

  6. Your reflection is meaningful. You have used appropriate pictures.However, as mentioned by some of the friends it would have been better if you could increase the font size. Overall you did a great job Bidha.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hello,
    You have reflected very well on the use of informative tool in the field of education highlighting on its importance with appropriate examples. Hope you'll use make use of such tool to enhace children's learning. Good luck!

  9. Hi,
    Seems like you have understood the informative tool very well by looking at the way you have reflected with relevant support. Even the examples that you have sited were appropriate.

  10. By going through your reflection i felt that you have enough experience of using informative tools and knowledge about the tool.

  11. you have written your reflection very well with definitions, examples and pictures. but I can in some tools you have written very shorts notes. as tutor told us that if you could explain more on how these tools benefited you and how you have used these tools before in your learning progress. I too think that it will make your reflections more interesting.

  12. You have reflected well on this tools with relevant examples and images. Through your images as an example to support your reflection, it seems you have understood it well. However it would have been better if you have explained little bit more.
