Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Communicative tools

Communicative tools

The communicative tools are the application which makes  communication between two persons (sender and receiver) in terms of exchanging information in spite of space and time. Many people in today's generation use communicative tools to communicate with eachother. In fact, wherever you go, you can see people holding smart phones talking and chatting. There are two types of this tool i.e. synchronous, example mobile and the other is the asynchronous, example vle or WeChat.

Many communication applicaticatin are come such as line, twitter, WhatsApp or etc. We can integrate those tools in our lessons in a form of graphs, sounds, images, video tutorials, through power point, using projector in the class to change the medium of instruction. We can also use bulletin board where students are given opportunities to write comments and give feedbacks. 
These tools are very much helpful when we are apart for example, because of the COVID-19 schools and colleges are closed and students are scattered here and there, by using WeChat, vle, or Google meet, students are able to learn by exchanging feedbacks.

So learning are happening in a effective way. Not only that, through this tools, we cant transmit printed messages, pictures and even life performance to all the corner of the world with speed. It brings people together and closer to each other. It also bridges gap between individuals and groups through flow of information and understanding between each other.

I would say that if students are given freedom to use mobile phones to search information related to that particular topic then it would surely help in learning and expanding their knowledge in the classroom teaching. Henceforth it will be very effective in teaching field. It helps us to correct our mistake through suggestions and comments. The common tools used for the people are WeChat, Facebook, messenger, twitter and Instagram.


  1. You have stated the concept explicitly with accurate examples. You personal opinion of usage of those tool by the students was great and it will definitely bring the positive impact on the students. Can you increase the font size.

  2. Wonderful blog! I am sure this blog will benefit others.

  3. I like how you reflected your personal opinions on the benefits of using communicative tools by students in their daily learning. The images are relevant for the tool you are writing about.

  4. Hi Bidha, i enjoyed reading your reflection on communicative tool.The pictures are relevant to the topic. You even cited the examples to support your writing. However, if you can increase the font size then it will be more enjoyable.

  5. Hello,
    I liked the way you have reflected your opinion on the advantages of using communicative tools. All the examples were relevant.

  6. You have reflected explicitly on this tool. By reading and seeing your images I as a reader feels that you have understood it well.
