Monday, July 20, 2020

Situating Tool

Situating Tool

 The fifth tool of ICT is situating tool. It is a tool which enables the teacher and the learner to situate in an environment to experience the context. Using of ICT as a situating tool in the learning classroom will helps the users to experience a virtually real environment mostly in a 3D image. Some of the examples of situating tools are simulation, virtual reality and CD-ROM.

Using of simulation is very helpful in the classroom. It helps the teacher to provide the learners with certain real-life environment which is difficult or impossible to attain. As for the learners, it helps them to experience those real-life situations which they have never been to. In this way, it increases the students’ interest to learn more.


Some of the importance of situating tools is, it helps the user to situate in that particular environment. It also helps the learner to comprehend and manipulate variables and communicate with another user login. While using situating tools, the learner can foster their creativity and visualize different skills.

If I cite an example, the use of Google Map was interesting. I could see the visual 3D form of different places which I have never visited. By sitting in the lab room of Paro college of education, I could go to my village and see the visual representation of my own house. It was very amazing and interesting to explore more. If we use these tools, I am sure that the students would be more curious and interested to learn.

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