Friday, July 17, 2020

Situating tool

Situating Tool                                                                                   
Situating means stimulation which helps to situate learner’s in environment to experience the context happening. Simple example could be watching 3-D movies where we see and feel. Using situating tool to teach is best thing to use as it situates learner in the environment. It also fosters creativity and visualization skills.

Computer serves as a situating tool. We can locate lots of simulations and games which can enhance learning. Simulations are mostly used while teaching science. By means of virtual reality (RS) extension systems, the computer can create 3-D images on display to give the user the feeling that are situated in virtual environment. For example, a flight stimulation program, driving simulation, play station and etc.  

Situating tools are transcript of computer as situating tool. Students become more effective when it is associated by computer as the teacher’s tool because it makes the classroom atmosphere more conductive to learning due to its capabilities of being a tutor. If we want to teach any science topic, we can use PHET to provide students ‘stimulation’ about the particular topic for better learning.

I learned to use graphic cal and how to teach using this application. Learning different types of equations through it was fun. Learning becomes interesting and I was able to learn better compare to the usual teaching. It also gives students gives opportunity to explore and experiment.  So in future I will be able to use such type of simulation.


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